
Universal Typeface Experiment

Bic has a interesting promotion asking for anybody and everybody in the world to create a new Universal Typeface Experiment. A interesting idea. They will average out the letters and hopefully make something different.

You can head over to the website and join the 35,000+ people who've already contributed to the project. It is easier with a touch/stylus  screen tablet or phone.

"we at Bic 

Are proud of 100 billion produced cristal ballpoint pens. In fact this is the best selling pen ever it can truly be called the universal pen.

So if there’s a universal pen, how would a universal handwriting look like?

We are trying to find out.  On this microsite people enter their handwriting and a specially developed algorithm calculates the average and merges them into one ever-changing, always evolving font.

If you haven’t contributed yet, be sure to make the time for doing so.

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