
The Falling man and facing what really happened

While the towers were still smoldering memories of that day were being altered, sanitized, edited for those we thought to shelter from the horror. 15 years later teenagers and even adults to lived during that time are unaware of the great impact it had and make light of it. It was called our Pearl harbor by my classmates in high school. A college friend heard this in class and knew their aunt must be dead. Another friend introduced me to the former security member of Logan airport from that day. My father took many business trips and had no clue if he could have been on one of those planes till I got home, no cell phones. There was fear, confusion, and a jumble of information. I did not register or know that people were forced to fall from the towers till a documentary was made a year later.

At least 200 people are believed to have fallen or jumped to their deaths that day while other estimates say the number is half of that or fewer.[1][2][3  The photograph initially appeared in newspapers around the world, including on page 7 of The New York Times on September 12, 2001. The photo's caption read "A person falls headfirst after jumping from the north tower of the World Trade Center. It was a horrific sight that was repeated in the moments after the planes struck the towers."[7] It appeared only once in the Times because of criticism and anger against its use.[8] Six years later, it appeared on page 1 of The New York Times Book Review on May 27, 2007.[9]
 History books have a paragraph here or there and that's it. Though it is natural to deny terrible things to protect our emotions. We must face everything that happened or we will learn nothing it is only then that those that died will not have done so in vain. 

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